Hi. I am ,n. I go by other names, but this name is aspirational and inspirational to me. It is what I am striving to be. I want to be so common and unnoticeable.
This blog is going to have a few purposes.
- It is for me. It will be my one last public facing thing on the internet when I am done killing off all my other social media presence.
- It will be full of my lessons in becoming so inconspicuous that no one pays any attention to me unless I want them to.
- It will house my rants, ravings, and thoughts on things in my life, mostly around becoming the fog, but some on life experiences and things I like to share.
- It might have sex and nudity. I am striving to take as much of that offline as well, but want one outlet for some of it.
I will strive to update and post as I make progress to becoming the unmemorable being that is barely noted and soon forgotten.
I welcome all comments and suggestions on how to do this better. I will answer any personal questions that may identify who I am or those few I will keep in my life.
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