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Showing posts from March, 2021

,n - the misanthrope?

That we have such a stark and straightforward word in so many languages suggests that, whatever our apparent allegiance to our species, it isn’t very uncommon for a human being to look at who we are collectively – what we get up to, how we behave, how our thoughts run – and in the end want to give up at the sight of our limitless violence, wickedness and folly and wish that we had never evolved,  homo sapiens  having ultimately proved an unending and undignified plague upon the earth whose reign should end without regret.  ~ The School of Life ~ The case for misanthropy.   Am I a misanthrope?   In the article cited above, that paragraph sums up so much of what I now hold core to my beliefs.  The author shares many reasons why a misanthrope has lost all hope that I also feel and adopted it into my own narrative against humankind.   Misanthropists love people of course – or they did once upon a time. What high hopes one has to have started with in order to end up feeling so sad at the s


N95 my life - 031421 Why am i doing this?  Why do I want to fade into the woodwork as just another being that is noticed for the moment, but not worth staying and noticing deeper than that? Honestly and simply.  I gave away almost all fucks that I care about what unimportant others think of me.  I am, for the most part, a nobody.  If I died tomorrow, it would not be in the news (unless the manner of death was too sensational to pass up).   I will not have an obituary in the paper. Most of the world, like over 99.9999999999%, are unimportant in the sense of they have no awareness of my existence.  They are very important as individual people deserving agency, justice, equality, and love. But as for me, when I fade away, they have never known of my existence and it is very boastful to think they every would. So, with that out of the way, why??? I gave up on humanity* (and that country called America) in the past decade and this last year sealed it.  I am thankful we have a new regime to